Tawa Swimming Club has partnered with Arena Water Instinct NZ for our uniform supply, please follow the link to the Arena Water Instinct website " Tawa Swimming Club" page https://www.arenawaterinstinct.co.nz/collections/tawa-swim-club.
As a benefit of this partnership with Arena Water Instinct NZ our members will receive a 25% discount on all items purchased via the website https://www.arenawaterinstinct.co.nz (excluding Tawa Uniform items). To make use of this discount all you need to do is add our discount code "TAWA" at the checkout when making your purchase. From there you can choose to have the item delivered or pick it up in store from the EFL Arena outlet shop at 23A Dragon Street, Grenda North, Wellington, 5024.
If you are shopping in store at the EFL Arena shop in Grenda simply mentioned you are part of Tawa Swimming Club to receive the 25% discount off all Arena products. Please speak to staff in store to find out more.
Tawa Swimming Cap
- Tawa swimming caps are required to be worn for training, club nights and swimming competitions
- A swimming cap is provided free of charge with new membership. Provide any ripped caps for a replacement
- Additional swimming caps can be purchased from the uniform shop if required
- Swimming caps can be collected directly from the Uniform Coordinator, Club Captain or Team Managers
National Competition Swimmers Polo Shirt
- Polo shirts are available to national competition swimmers only
- As a reward for achieving qualifying times and attending a national swimming competition, swimmers will receive their first polo shirt free of charge.