Squad Guidelines

Please note, any movement through club lanes and squads is subject to space in the relevant lane/squad, regardless of whether a swimmer meets the requirements to move up.



Age group: 8 to 12 years old
Objectives: Time trials / Gold Coast meets / Development meets
Competition Goal: Wellington Champs

Entry level:

To undertake to train a minimum of 3 training sessions per week.

1. To be 12 years old or under and have shown improvement in their swimming.

2. To be able to swim 100m Individual Medley under 2 minutes with correct technique,
     start, turns and finish.

3. To be able to swim 200m Freestyle under 4 minutes without stopping, with bilateral breathing and with tumble turns.

4. To have the ability to listen and stay focused for the duration of a training session. 

5. To have a good positive attitude.

6. To compete in a minimum of six competitions or meets per year ( includes Gold Coast Meets, Club Champs, Wellington Relay Champs, All Stars Juniors and Wellington Junior Champs when qualified)

Personal Equipment required

  • Goggles
  • Tawa club swim cap
  • Drink Bottle
  • Fins
  • Pull buoy
  • Paddles
  • Mesh bag


Age group: 11 to 14 years old
Objectives: Time trials / Gold Coast meets / Development meets
Competition Goal: Wellington Champs

Entry level:

To undertake to train a minimum of 4 training sessions per week.

1. Attendance: - To have attended 3 training sessions per week
    over the last 6 months with Bronze Squad

2. Have demonstrated they can take instruction and then make technique or skill changes.

3. Be committed to a minimum of 4 weekly trainings.

4. Have the ability to read and to understand pace clock for lap times & intervals.

5. Be able to handle an increased workload.

6. Have a good work ethic and positive attitude.

7. To be able to swim:

  •  400 meters Freestyle under 7 minutes with correct technique and bilateral breathing. 
  • 200 meters Individual Medley under 3 minutes and 30 seconds with correct start, turns and finish.

 8.To compete in a minimumof eight competitions or meets per year ( include Gold Coast Meets, Club Champs, Wellington Relay Champs, All Star Juniors for 12 & under and Wellington Champs when qualified)

Personal Equipment required

  • Goggles
  • Tawa club swim cap
  • Drink Bottle
  • Mesh bag
  • Fins
  • Pull Buoy
  • Kick Board
  • Paddles


Age group: 11 to 15 years old
Objectives: Wellington Champs National Qualifiers
Competitions Goal: Wellington Champs/ Div II

Entry level:

To undertake to train a minimum of 6 training sessions per week.

1. Attendance: - To have attended 4 training sessions per week in average
    over the last 6 months with Silver Squad

2. Have demonstrated they can take instruction and then make technique or skill

3. Be committed to training and competitions.

4. Have the ability to read and to understand pace clock for lap times & intervals.

5. Be able to handle an increased workload.

6. Have a good work ethic and positive attitude.

7. To be able to swim:

  • 400 meters Freestyle under 7 minutes with correct start, tumble turns, bilateral

          breathing and finish

  •  200 meters Individual Medley under 3 minutes with correct start, turns and finish

8. To be able to swim consistently holiding the following sets with 5" to 10" rest

  • 4 x 100 Freestyle Kick on 2'00
  • 4 x 50 Butterly Swim on 1'00
  • 4 x 100 Bacjstroke Swim on 1'50
  • 4 x 100 Breaststroke Swim on 2'00
  • 8 x 100 Freestyle Swim on 1'30      

Personal Equipment required

  • Goggles
  • Tawa club swim cap
  • Drink Bottle
  • Mesh bag
  • Fins
  • Paddles
  • Pull Buoy
  • Band
  • Kick Board


Age group: 13 years old and over
Competitions Goal: NZ Champs / NAGS / NZ Short Course Champs

Entry level:

To undertake to train a minimum of 7 training sessions per week.

1. Attendance: - Have attended a minimum of 6 training sessions per
    week over the last 12 months

2. To have qualified to NGAS and NZSC or NZ Champs if 17 years old and older

3. Show a desire and capacity to commit to higher training loads and train at consistently
     high level

4. Show very good commitment to training and competitions

5. Have good skills, technique, turns and rules knowledge

6. Show independence and responsibility for own training

7. Have the ability to handle an increased load – to step up to the next level.

8. Have a good positive attitude

9. Show effort, perseverance, guts – never giving up!!

10. To be able to swim:
       Consistently holding the following sets with about 10” rest:

  •  6 x 100 Freestyle Kick on 2’00
  • 6 x 50 Butterfly Swim on 1’00
  • 6 x 100 Backstroke Swim on 1’45
  •  6 x 100 Breaststroke Swim on 2’00
  • 10 x 100 Freestyle Swim on 1’25

11.Be a role model to the younger Club & Junior Squad swimmers by attending Time Trials and Club Fun Nights; demonstrating good sportsmanship and treating coaches, managers and other volunteers with respect at all times. 

Personal Equipment required

  • Goggles
  • Tawa club swim cap
  • Drink Bottle
  • Mesh bag
  • Fins
  • Paddles
  • Pull Buoy
  • Band
  • Snorkel
  • Kick Board 

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